About Us

Kinowear.com is a menswear fashion blog that aims to help you dress in your own unique, upgraded style… while actually saving money.
All of this is covered in our flagship product, The Kinowear Bible.
Since 2007, Kinowear has been devoted to delivering cutting edge male fashion advice. Kino derives from the word “kinesis” which is defined as movement in response to a stimulus. Kinowear is driven by the simple goal of inspiring men to keep moving forward and upward towards their dreams.
We would also like to mention our other authors: readers, bloggers. They are our contributors, often one-offs, and sometimes regulars: they are always of the highest quality.
Kinowear’s 2 missions
1) Help guys to dress better and to buy more intelligently
- With detailed articles on men’s fashion: tips, interviews, tests of brands
- There’s a book to help you dress better while spending less
2) Connect you with the best brands out there
- Allow readers to discover brands who are committed to quality
- Make you aware of the difference between real style and “trends”
- Promote quality brands we feel obligated to share with you
What we think of men’s fashion
I think you’ll have noticed: men’s fashion is a bit like broccoli. Good for your health, good for clean living, but nobody likes it because hot, french fries with a glass of coke are definitely more appealing (apart from for your health). Same goes for clothes: it’s much easier not to get to grips with your own image.
If, for you, shopping comes down to going to an overheated shopping mall on a Saturday afternoon and buying three random items of clothing so that your loyalty card doesn’t get cancelled, or, alternatively, surfing the net until you find a pair of Ruby’s headphones costing $5000 in limited edition and signed CHANEL…then this blog if definitely not for you.
In short, we want to reconcile men and fashion. You can see it for yourself all around you: fashion is for women like computers and video games are for guys. We think that it comes down to a lack of real communication. Now it’s over to us to help you understand fashion. So, just like every complex subject, once you’ve stripped away all the unnecessary jargon, you’re left with what’s practical, the aesthetic and a state of mind.
We leave brands and bling to the guys who talk the talk the best. What we like is decoding style and presenting it in a clear and stripped down way that’s pragmatic and easy for everyone to access.
Kinowear in figures…
- Top blog on men’s fashion advice and amongst the most-read men’s magazines…
- Roughly 75,000 unique visitors per month (and steadily growing)…
- Who reads Kinowear? Guys, the majority aged between 18 and 35, educated, who want to take care of their style…
What To Do Next
- We have hundreds of articles posted on the blog. Feel free to check those out.
Or you can just buy the Kinowear Bible and get our best advice for upgrading your style all in one convenient spot, and with more examples so it’s easier for you. Don’t worry, it’s extremely affordable (about the cost of a t-shirt). One of the biggest benefits our customers get is saving money by not making purchasing mistakes.